Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Trying to do too much... never the best idea, but though I know I could delete my 'here we go' post I have decided to keep it in order to help keep myself honest. All those bits will be posted, but other things may come before them.

Presently, my priority is to post about Friday 11th November, when I had the great pleasure of seeing Karma to Burn (and also cycled 35 miles around London over the course of the day and evening, towing my trailer in various states of weightiness).

More later!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Here we go!

Today I intend to post a number of articles in a rough form, all recording happenings and/or journeys:

1) Bloodstock 2011 (twitfeed and brief narrative)
2) Critical Mass 31-10-11 (twitfeed and brief narrative)
3) Considering proposed 80mph speed limit change (short piece, up to 1000 words)
4) An encounter with a motorist (short piece, 1000 words max)
5) Positive encounters with motorists from a bike, September to October 2011 (short descriptions, 1000 words worth max)
6) Searching for Critical Mass 29-09-11 (twitfeed and brief article w narrative)

Of course I may not get time for all of that, but we'll see...