Saturday, 3 December 2011

Here we go (again!)

It's been quite a struggle getting myself to get this blog going, but it's a struggle worth struggling with. I'll work and ride around and come home and cook and fix my bike and do all kinds of regular things, often writing in my head story after story that should be up here, that will be up here, but not getting around to sitting down and hashing them out. This will cease. As some of you reading will know, I have taken an extended break from writing on a regular basis. I have so much built up inside that it's almost painful. But I'll start as I mean to go on, so in the next 2 hours I will have up my first proper post, an account of Friday November 11th focusing on the awesome Karma to Burn gig I attended. I will explain more about how this blog works and what it will cover another time. Thanks for reading and for your patience.

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